I've been playing around with Photoshop a bit. In the past I've been very reluctant to learning the entirety of what Photoshop offers (if that is even possible). Personally, I believe that if you know how to make a beautiful image within the camera, there is no need for all that excess editing. It has sure made my photography career a lot easier and my art a lot more clear.
My photography education was perhaps considered the last generation to work in analogue before moving to the beast of the digital world. Even though it wasn't all that long ago, I remember a time when digital courses weren't even offered to students, it was a luxury to the professors. The photography world has taking quite a drastic turn in such a short time. I've heard, at UNR at least, that students don't even work in the darkroom anymore. Am I the only one who thinks this is absolutely absurd? To me, the darkroom is the art of photography. It's getting your hands wet and problem solving. I could go on and on about why I feel that analogue is a vital aspect in any aspiring photographers education but that could take a few pages so I'll leave it at that.
I would like to, however, share with you some analogue style borders I've been playing with in photoshop. Although it is digital, the frames give the illusion of the film processes which they represent. I was so excited to come across these... can't tell you how long I've been Googling for them. Thanks to PSHero.com for incorporating the feeling of analogue in this overwhelmingly computer oriented society.
I would love to offer these "film" borders to clients, but I find that most just don't get it. I have created a few customized high school senior grad announcements in the past week and have incorporated the filmstrip borders. My clients really liked them because they were so unique. If you like this look and schedule a portrait session with me, please ask about custom art work featuring your photographs. Also, visit my website at www.nicholettejeanphoto.com to see samples of custom art work I've done for my clients. Enjoy!